We are a Catholic Community

called to be faithful, caring, enthusiastic disciples. 

Weekend Masses

Saturday - 5:30 pm

Sunday - 7:30 am,

*9:00 am (Livestream),

*11:30 am,

5:30 pm

* Child Care Available

Weekday Masses

MON-SAT - 7:30 am
Wednesday - 11:30 am
Friday - 5:30 pm


Confessionals in Adoration Chapel & Daily Mass Chapel
Wednesday - 5-6 pm

FRIDAY - 4-5 pm
Saturday - 4-5 pm

Anytime by Appointment

Archdiocese of Oklahoma City

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Powerful stories of the Eucharist from our parishioners and others in our archdiocese

Listen here!

We're hiring!

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He must increase, 

but I must decrease.

Our Mission

We are a Catholic Christian Community, called to be faithful, caring, enthusiastic disciples. We build up the Kingdom of God by worshiping and praising Him, proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and witness, giving loving service to our neighbor, and strengthening the parish community.

Our Parish Bulletin

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