Discipleship Pathway

  • What is this?

    St. John's is at a cross-roads where we step in from our everyday lives, encounter the Lord, and are transformed, going back out to the world to build up the kingdom. This guides all of our efforts and informs all of our decisions. The Discipleship Pathway is the way which we navigate what this means in each of our lives. We are a parish that cultivates a culture of conversion and missionary discipleship. Find your next steps below.

  • Where do I fit in as a parishioner?

    We encourage each member of St. John's to ask the Lord to show them where they are on this Pathway. Take some time in personal prayer to evaluate your friendship with Jesus and how the next step will bring you closer to Him.

    This Pathway, as with our spiritual life, is not an exact science or the same for everyone. The Pathway helps the disciple to grow in holiness, as well as awareness and intentionality of their mission. It is a way in which we can embrace the life of discipleship through regular formation with other committed disciples. This looks different for everyone.

  • Do I have to go through the Pathway in a certain order?

    Each of us encounters the Lord in a different way according to His plan for us. Someone may first become involved through volunteering for Vacation Bible School, or at the Samaritan House. They may enjoy the community they have become involved with, and find a deeper longing for the Lord through that service. They may want to explore different ways to pray or want to explore their faith more deeply. People may participate as they feel led in the Pathway steps. However, the steps of the pathway (in the order that they are presented) follow the general journey of a maturing disciple. Members of St. John's are encouraged to experience each step of the Pathway in the way they have discerned.

  • Do I have to start with The Search?

    Do I have to start with The Search?

    You do not have to start with The Search. For some, a first step may be the ACTS Retreat or joining a small group.

    We want to encourage every member of St. John's to experience The Search at some point. Even for the spiritually mature and committed disciple, learning to walk with others and share your faith with them is a part of being a missionary disciple. The Search allows for this mutual sharing and learning.

The Steps

The Search

The Search is an opportunity to explore key questions of every human heart.

Join us for dinner and a chance to discuss taking those first steps of faith.

ACTS Retreats

This is a 3-day, 3-night retreat designed to encounter the Lord and foster intentional discipleship. Through prayer, service and teaching, God is experienced both personally and also as a community.

  • Adoration: A response to God's love through prayer and worship
  • Community: Participating in the One Body of Christ as Church
  • Theology: Deepening our relationship with God in order to better fulfill His will
  • Service: Answering the call to discipleship by following the model He gave us


How can we know the Lord in a deeper and more intimate way? How can we open ourselves to His will in our life? Enter into a committed and directed time of prayer, exploring ways in which the Lord speaks to you and you answer Him.

Thirsty Thursdays

Dive deeper into many different aspects of our Catholic faith. This is a weekly topic and discussion group.

Called and Gifted

What are my spiritual gifts and abilities? How is the Lord calling me to put these to use? Connect with others as you move through an inventory of the different gifts, and discern which ones the Lord has given you and how He is calling you to use them.

Service and Worship

The parish is a center of formation. It is where we come to be spiritually nourished in order to go out and build the kingdom. What are those special gifts the lord has given me? How can I be of service to my parish community, helping to form other missionary disciples? Is it through being an Usher or Lector at Mass? Helping with the Samaritan House? Explore the many ways you can strengthen our parish community in our mission to equip and empower others.

Personal Mission

The Lord has called each of us in a very specific way to witness to His love in our own lives. Who are those people in your life that you are being called to walk with? How can you be a presence of the Lord in a very specific way in their lives? How can you walk with them the way that Jesus walked with His disciples? How is the Lord asking you to be a missionary disciple? Be equipped to accompany others and lead your own small group that is more than just a one-week meeting, but establishing true friendship in the Lord that stretches beyond a time and space limit.


Who do I contact with additional questions?

Please contact Erin Snow or Stephanie Stovall if you are interested in participating in any of these steps.

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