First Holy Communion preparation includes First Reconciliation. First Reconciliation preparation takes place during the Fall and First Communion during the Spring. First Communion Mass is celebrated in the Spring.
Sarah Knoles
Coordinator of Children's Ministry
First Communion Mass:
Sunday, May 4, 2025 at 2 pm (fulfills Sunday obligation)
About this Ministry:
Children seeking to join the Catholic Church will attend the fall and spring semesters of the OCIA for Children program. Their journey of faith culminates in the beautiful Easter Vigil Mass when they become members of the Catholic Christian Community. The children attend class each Wednesday from 6:00 - 7:15 pm and beginning in late fall are required to attend Sunday mornings as well.
The OCIA for Children program at St. John the Baptist enables children to enter into a relationship with the living God and share in the life of their identity as Christians. Our goal is to provide a means of conversion constant with the child's age and understanding. Like OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults), we strive to instruct the child in his/her faith as a Catholic Christian. Different from the adult process, the conversion of children is a "belonging" process - a process of socialization which is taught as well as learned. Much of the catechesis for children greatly depends on forming and nurturing relationships with other believing children. The OCIA for Children team includes not only the parish teachers, but most importantly, the parents.
The true success of the program depends on the parents. The parents must ensure the child attends all classes, learns his/her prayers, and experiences a Catholic environment at home.
James & Melanie Krenek
Contact James & Melanie Krenek
About this Ministry:
Confirmation is the third Sacrament of Initiation within the Catholic Church. It is the sacrament by which the Lord confirms the candidate as a missionary disciple. They are strengthened by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, and commissioned to be witnesses in both word and deed to the loving work of God in their own lives so that others are drawn into that same life-giving relationship.
The age for Confirmation at St. John's is 6th grade. If you have a child in 7th- 12th grade who HAS NOT been confirmed, please contact Erin or Lynda in the parish office prior to registering.
About this Ministry:
If you are a Catholic who has not received all your Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Communion, First Reconciliation, or Confirmation), please contact the Parish Office to determine your next steps.
This year's sessions have already begun. Please contact the parish office for information on next year's.
Marriage, Convalidation, or Annulment:
If you have received all of your Sacraments of Initiation and simply need to visit the Sacrament of Reconciliation (i.e. Confession), see our Mass and Confession Times or schedule an appointment by calling the Parish Office at (405) 340-0691.
About this Ministry:
If you are curious about Catholicism and want to learn more, OCIA is the perfect program for you. OCIA, or the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults, typically starts in August and meets weekly through Easter. Those who go through OCIA may receive their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation) if they so choose.
This year's sessions have already begun. Please contact the parish office for information on next year's.
Visit the Become Catholic page to learn more about OCIA. Please contact the Parish Office for more information.