About this Ministry:
The various tasks of altar servers include leading liturgical processions, assisting with the Missal and the book of prayers, helping set the altar and attending to sacred vessels after communion. Altar servers also help with the candles, incense, and processional cross. In addition to liturgical service, altar serving is also a wonderful way for our children to advance in spiritual life that is centered on the Eucharist and to grow in vocational awareness.
Time & Training Required:
At minimum, two initial training sessions are required for new servers (about 3.5 hours each) and about 1-2 hours a month are dedicated to serving Mass. Altar server trainers and coordinators also devote another hour per week in general, and extra time at feast days and holy days to prepare. Altar servers at St. John's must be in 5th grade or higher grades to be trained. Signups for training are initiated through a link on this page (see above).
Contact Eva Nagykaldi
Contact Deacon Zsolt Nagykaldi
Contact Ann Sorrels
About this Ministry:
This ministry serves the parish at large by distributing the Body and Blood of Jesus during Mass.
Time & Training Required:
Once the application, approval, and training processes are complete, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion serve 1-2 Masses per month on average. This is a three-year appointment by the Archbishop to serve only at St. John’s.
Contact Diane Gbone to sign up.
About this Ministry:
The Greeters provide welcoming faces and points of contact for parishioners and visitors at all the Masses each weekend. Greeters also prepare and serve coffee and donuts after each Mass and when requested for special occasions, and distribute worship aids when necessary.
Time & Training Required:
Attend an initial 30 minute training. Volunteers are scheduled one to two times per month, (when scheduled: arrive 20 minutes before Mass begins, stay 15-20 minutes after Mass).
Contact Richard Baker to Sign Up
About this Ministry:
Lectors proclaim the first and second readings of the Liturgy of the Word during the weekend Masses.
Time & Training Required:
Preparation time is based on the individual but is needed to prepare to proclaim the Word as some biblical words can be difficult to pronounce. Training takes 2 hours and attendance at the weekend Mass is 1 1/2 hours.
About this Ministry:
The Mass Coordinators assure a smooth, uninterrupted Mass by making sure all liturgical ministries, servers, etc., are in place prior to the beginning of the celebration. Mass Coordinators are responsible for checking in scheduled ministers for each Mass and finding replacements as needed for unexcused absences. These Coordinators also communicate any changes that the presiding Priest asks to be made to those serving that particular Mass. Mass Coordinators will look to replace any minister who has not arrived by 10 minutes before Mass.
Time & Training Required:
Mass Coordinators are expected to arrive 30 minutes prior to a Mass they regularly attend. During training you will have a mentor to shadow until you are comfortable to co-ordinate on your own.
Leath Parker
Cheryl Pierce
About this Ministry:
Sacristans prepare the church for Mass, baptisms and funerals. A sacristan sets up and cleans up after a Mass or other liturgical service.
Time & Training Required:
A new sacristan will need to train at the Mass they will plan on ministering at so they are comfortable with the specifics of that particular Mass. Usually they will shadow a sacristan for 3-4 weeks or until they are comfortable with the duties that will need to be performed. Sacristans will sometimes need to be available to serve at Holy days and to substitute for a sacristan who is ill or out of town. Sacristans need to also be trained Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion.
Contact Betsy Mantor and Mary Smail to Sign Up.
About this Ministry:
Ushers greet people warmly, introduce strangers, help people sit together, pass out hymnals when necessary, care for any needs (if someone gets sick or other emergencies), take up the collection, help with good order at during the distribution of Holy Communion, distribute bulletins in the course of saying goodbye to everyone, and direct people to coffee and donuts.
Time & Training Required:
Ushers average serving at least 2 times per month and must be flexible to serve as a substitute when needed. Ushers must be age 15 and older.
Tony Maranto, Coordinator
Contact Tony Maranto to learn more.
About this Ministry:
The primary role of the music ministry is to support the community in prayer. All those involved, from composers and publishers to the parish music director, choir members, cantors, and celebrant, must focus on getting the people to respond with one voice.
Time & Training Required:
St. John's Choir meets on Wednesdays from 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM Members attend the Mass of their choice. Besides providing music for weekend Mass, the instrumentalists and vocalists prepare for the Christmas Eve Masses and extra music for Holy Week and Easter. To sing in the choir, it is not necessary to be able to read music, but to sing on pitch, blend with the group and convey a sense of prayer in song.
Danny Jack, Music Director
Youth Choir:
The Youth Choir, consisting of high school students and young adults, sing at the Sunday evening Mass. Rehearsals are held Sundays at 4 pm. If you are interested in joining, just show up for choir practice and we will welcome you.
Contact the parish office for more information.
About this Ministry:
Linen Upkeep members ensure that fresh linens are available for every Mass at St. John's through heartfelt and dedicated service.
Time & Training Required:
Although everyone works at his/her own pace, at least 4 - 6 hours is required to process one week's linens. Two separate loads are washed and dried. Ironing of at least 80 purificators takes 2 - 3 hours. We encourage pickup of linens after the Sunday evening Mass with return by the following Friday.
About this Ministry:
Each week at all five Masses, a family (or individual) in our parish steps forward to receive a decommissioned, consecrated chalice to take home with them. Families are asked to pray in a specific way for the increase in vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and religious life.
Beginning Advent 2023, a new procedure will begin for the Family Chalice Ministry:
Scheduled receiver(s) must check in at the Ministry Desk by the vesting Sacristy to receive the box before Mass. The family scheduled to receive the chalice will also be the gift bearers for that Mass, obtain the chalice, and place in the wooden box when you return to your pew for protection. Prayers are included in the travel box to take home with you.
There is no greater gift we can lend than to pray that our young men and women will hear the voice of God in discerning the path to which they are called.
Time & Training Required:
No training is required. Families are asked to pray for an increase in vocations throughout the week until they return the chalice 30 minutes before their regularly attended Mass.
Contact Cindy Suenram to Sign Up.