Safe & Sacred

Safe Environment

St. John the Baptist Catholic Church is committed to providing a safe environment for everyone who comes to the parish and school, and we work diligently to ensure all volunteers, faculty and staff have undergone safe environment training.

  • How Do I Complete Training?

    Our Safe Environment program, Safe & Sacred, that has been implemented by the Archdiocese is required for adult volunteers and all employees prior to your start date or the first time you would like to volunteer. The best news about this program is that it is paperless and the training is online to be completed at your convenience. Training is valid until July 31st each year and must be renewed annually to retain "cleared" (approved) status. Each year training will re-open on August 1st, you will have a 15 day grace period to renew your certificate to continue volunteering and employment if you had a valid certificate on July 31st.  If you have any questions or would like to complete this training please contact our Safe & Sacred Coordinator at 

  • How Do I Complete Training As A Minor?

    Minors who are 14 to 17 years of age are encouraged to volunteer at St. John and St. Elizabeth. Training for minors is in person and does not include a background check. Please contact the Safe & Sacred Coordinator at to arrange training. 

  • What Should I Do If I Suspect Abuse?

    Call 911 if a child is in immediate danger. 

    Abuse of Minors Pastoral Response Hotline (405) 720-9878 

    For the safety of children and the healing of victims, the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City provides an Abuse of Minors Pastoral Response Hotline for reporting the abuse of a minor (in the past or presently) by a member of the clergy or other church personnel. Calls to this number will be answered by the Archdiocesan Assistance Coordinator who will offer to meet with the caller in person, if the caller so desires. The Assistance Coordinator will also assist you in making a formal complaint to the Archdiocese, arranging a personal meeting with the Archbishop or his representative and in obtaining support and pastoral counseling.

    Calls are confidential with the following exception:

    Any allegation of sexual or physical abuse or neglect concerning those who currently are minors must be reported to the Oklahoma Department of Human Services(1-800-522-3511) as required by Oklahoma laws and Archdiocesan policies. 

    Any allegation of sexual misconduct must be shared with the proper Archdiocesan authorities.

    Local law enforcement agencies may also be contacted. Reporting abuse (sexual, emotional, physical or neglect) of a minor is mandatory in Oklahoma. 

  • How Do I Transfer My Training From Another Location?

    Great news! If you have already completed Safe Environment training as an adult or minor in the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City you can easily transfer your information to St. John/St. Elizabeth. To do so please contact the Safe & Sacred Coordinator at If you have completed Safe Environment outside of this Archdiocese, you will need to complete the process in place by our Archdiocese.


Alisa Zelnicek, Coordinator

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