“What a great favor God does to those He places in the company of good people!”

– St. Teresa of Avila

ACTS Retreats

About this Ministry:

An ACTS Retreat is a parish-based 3-day, 3-night retreat, which offers parishioners an opportunity to experience the love of Jesus Christ. This in turn fosters a desire for intentional discipleship. ACTS Retreats are given by parishioners for parishioners, and serves to build Christian community at the parish. 


Those who attend an ACTS retreat share in an experience that has impacted more than one million lives worldwide since the first retreat in 1987. There are numerous testimonies describing retreatants who were evangelized through a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. They witness to becoming better fathers, mothers, husbands, wives and children. Parishes have been revitalized, and all seek to deepen their relationship with Christ through prayer and service. As a result, ACTS is supported by bishops and priests worldwide as a legitimate participant in the Church's New Evangelization. Through ACTS, the laity respond to their baptismal call, and seek to participate in the apostolic mission of the Church "to go and make disciples of all nations." 

Click here for additional information about upcoming dates and costs.

Contact St. John's Adult Ministry

(405) 340-0691

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Catholicism 101 with Fr. Novak

About this Ministry:
Learn about the faith from our very own, brand new pastor, Fr. Novak! He's excited to share his knowledge and passion for Catholicism while sharing some wine with you! Adult beverages and limited childcare provided with registration.
Find upcoming dates on our event page by searching Catholicism 101.



Contact St. John's Adult Ministry

(405) 340-0691

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Men of St. John's

A Source of Strength in a Changing World

We need the support and friendship of other men to respond boldly and courageously to the Holy Spirit’s call. We have been formed to serve, protect, and defend what God had entrusted to us as servant leaders of our homes, families, church and community. All men of the parish are encouraged to sign up for this group, which typically meets Thursday mornings at 6:30 AM -7:25 AM in the Great Hall during the school year. Each session has an independent topic, and each one ends on time! Coffee and breakfast provided. View parish upcoming events for our meeting dates.

To sign up for the group or to volunteer, email Greg Iseman at

New? Register at the door - you are always welcome!


Contact Greg Iseman (Coordinator)


Contact St. John's Adult Ministry

(405) 340-0691

Men's Conference

Each year, Catholic men across the state gather for a conference that has guest speakers, breakout sessions, prayer and vendors. The next Oklahoma Catholic Men's Conference is date is March 8, 2025!

Click here for more information.

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Women of St. John's

About this Ministry:
The purpose of the Women's Bible Study is to encourage and strengthen women of faith with knowledge of Scripture and the traditions of the Catholic Church that will be reflected in their hearts, homes, and communities. We strive to support each other in our daily walk as Catholic women through prayer and the practical application of the Bible lesson we are studying.

All women of the parish are encouraged to sign up for this group, which meets on Mondays at 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM in the Commons and Wednesdays 6-7:15 pm during the school year.

To sign up for the group or to volunteer, email Wendy Deatsch at for the morning study or Jennie Meyer for the evening study.


Contact Wendy Deatsch


Contact Jennie Meyer


Contact St. John's Adult Ministry

(405) 340-0691

Women's Conference

Each year, Catholic women across the state gather for a conference that has guest speakers, breakout sessions, prayer and vendors. The next Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference is date is March 29, 2025! Click here for more information.

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Parents of St. John's

About this Ministry:
The Parents of St. John's serves the family structure: the domestic church. We hope to build strong Catholic families by providing a place for parents to get together for fellowship and spiritual growth with others in the same season of life.

All parents of the parish with infant to school-aged children are encouraged to sign up for this group, which typically meets on Sundays during Faith Formation in the Teacher's Workroom at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School. There are also once-a-month socials. View parish upcoming events for our meeting dates.


Contact Sarah Lepak


Contact Stephanie Ledet


(405) 340-0691

Facebook Group: Parents of St John's 

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Parent Faith Formation

About this Ministry:
Join us while your children attend Faith Formation as we dive deeper into the Sunday readings! Join us any Sunday!

No registration needed.


Contact St. John's Adult Ministry

(405) 340-0691

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Moms of St. John's

About this Ministry:

The Moms of St. John's is a place for us to come together through the common bond of our Catholic faith and season of life. We hope to offer each other spiritual and social support in all of the joys and trials of motherhood (while creating a strong community for our children as well!) 

Holy Mary, pray for us! 

All moms of the parish with infant to school-aged children are encouraged to sign up for this group, which typically meets on Wednesdays at 9:30 AM in the Council Room. There are also once-a-month socials, playdates and Children's adoration.
View parish upcoming events for our meeting dates.


Contact Ashley Aguilar (Coordinator)


Contact St. John's Adult Ministry

(405) 340-0691

Facebook Group: Mom's of St Johns


Women's Conference

Each year, Catholic women across the state gather for a conference that has guest speakers, breakout sessions, prayer and vendors. The next Oklahoma Catholic Women's Conference is date is March 29, 2025! Click here for more information.

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SEAS Moms Faith Group

About this Ministry:

This is a faith group for mothers of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School students. 


Contact Jeni Turner

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Our Lady of Fatima Spanish Prayer Group

Grupo de Oración en Español de Nuestra Señora de Fátima

¡Únete al grupo de oración Nuestra Señora de Fátima en español! Ven y acompáñanos a rezar el Santo Rosario, la lectura de la Biblia y la oración por nuestras familias. Todos los miercoles de 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM durante el año escolar. Lugar: Fr. Larkin cuarto en la Parroquia.
Guardería disponible para niños de las asistentes a la reunión. Vea el 
calendario parroquial para las próximas fechas de reuniones.

Para inscribirse en el grupo o ser voluntario, envíe un correo electrónico a Mariana Hernandez a

Póngase en contacto con este Ministerio:

Contacto Mariana Hernandez, Coordinadora


Contacto Ministerio de Adultos de St. John

Conferencia de Mujeres

¡Reserva! La próxima Conferencia de Mujeres Católicas de Oklahoma es el sábado 29 de marzo de 2025.

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Visitation Groups

What is a Visitation Group?

Essentially, it is a group (8-10 people) that come together every week to walk the faith together in formation and encouragement. 

The idea is that we become Holy Mary and St. Elizabeth to each other. We drop everything to see each other and, in that encounter, we encounter Jesus- and like St. John the Baptist, we encounter joy and a deepening of faith that empowers us to then begin the very specific mission we have been created for in preparing the way for the Lord. 


Visitation Groups are casual, in the home, no pressure moments to invite others into. Here are three easy steps to get started! 

  1. Discern whether you are being called to lead a Visitation Group or to join one
  2. Discern who to invite to your group. A friend you desire to become closer to? A co-worker? Neighbor? Random person in the pew you are curious about? 
  3. Reach out to us and we’ll help you get started! We’ll go through all details on how to host and simple materials to use. 

This is getting back to the way Jesus did mission. He poured into his select few that encouraged each other and then went on their own specific mission.


Contact St. John's Adult Ministry

(405) 340-0691

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About this ministry:

Alpha is a series of conversations about things we all question in life. Why do bad things happen to good people? What's the purpose of life? What's next? Join us for 10 weeks this Fall for a free dinner and good conversation with fellow parishioners. If you'd like to volunteer to be on the hospitality team, please email Stephanie Stovall!


Contact St. John's Adult Ministry

(405) 340-0691

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Retreat in Daily Life

A Ministry of the Office of Worship and Spiritual Life - Archdiocese of Oklahoma City:

The Ignatian Retreat in Daily Life is a prayer journey for those who want to live more deeply in relationship with God. Based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the retreat is a time set apart in the midst of everyday life to help participants discern more clearly God's movement in their hearts.

In the tradition of Ignatian spirituality, the retreat focuses on the life, teachings, death, and resurrection of Jesus through a prayerful encounter with Scripture. The Ignatian principle of "finding God in all things" lies at the heart of the retreat.

Retreat Format:

During the course of 30 weeks - from October through April - participants live their commitment to God, to themselves, and to their fellow participants by following the steps of this prayer journey. Each commits to these three activities:

  • Daily private prayer which includes Scripture, reflection, and journaling.
  • Weekly small group meetings in which participants share their prayer experiences with each other. Groups are facilitated by a spiritual guide.
  • Twice monthly individual spiritual direction.

Fees for the Retreat:

The fee for the retreat is $100 per month. Also there is a one-time fee of $60 for materials. No one is turned away from the retreat for lack of funds, and a fee schedule can be agreed upon - based on ability to pay.

When does Retreat in Daily Life start?

Enrollment dates for the Retreat in Daily Life are from July 1 to August 31st with a start date in September. Please discuss cost for the Retreat with your facilitator. For more information contact Nancy Vargas at 405-760-4640 or Sherry Alexander at 405-315-7559.

Going through these Retreat in Daily Life is an 8-month commitment. There are one of two ways to start Spiritual Exercises. Using The Ignatian Adventure book, you will meet within a small group once a week, then meet with a spiritual director twice a month. When it’s not possible to meet weekly with a group, you can enter the Ignatian adventure by meeting with a spiritual director one on one and learn to weave the Spiritual Exercises into your daily life.

Nancy Vargas,
(405) 760-4640   
Dick Alexander,
(405) 473-5481

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Spiritual Direction

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual Direction is a one-to-one relationship that helps one recognize God’s unique and personal call and one’s response to that call. Spiritual Direction is a ministry and Spiritual Directors consider this ministry to be a vocation. In practice, good spiritual direction involves regular (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) meetings between two persons.

Click here to read more about Spiritual Direction at St. John's.


Erin Snow

(405) 340-0691

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Unbound is a safe, loving, and effective model of prayer ministry focused on individual healing and deliverance. Created by Neal Lozano of Heart of the Father Ministries, Unbound helps us apply the good news of the Gospel to our lives.

As God’s children, we are all meant to be in relationship with Him. However, due to sin and our human nature, the door to lies and bondage has been opened. This open door allows problems like fear, anxiety, addiction, unforgiveness, hopelessness, and shame to take hold of our hearts. Using the 5 keys of Unbound, we can apply the truth to our lives and experience true freedom.

Click here to learn more.


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Well-Read Mom

It can be a challenge to make time to read in a world that never stops. Developing and maintaining the ability for deep reading isn't something we can take for granted.

Millions of Americans won't read a single book this year. You won't be one of them. In Well-Read Mom, women read more and read well. We hope to deepen the awareness of meaning hidden in each woman's daily life, elevate the cultural conversation, and revitalize reading literature from books.

We will meet the second Tuesday of every month, September-June, 10-11:30am, in the Board Room.

Register here for Well-Read Mom!


Stephanie Stovall

(405) 340-0691

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Prayer & Life Workshops

Great for anyone that is on a faith journey or curious about one! Join us every Monday evening for food, film and discussion. Sessions will run for 10 weeks, with a new topic each week. Also includes a retreat date! Free to attend and limited childcare provided, register soon!

Contact St. John's Adult Ministry

(405) 340-0691

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Joy of the Eucharist Podcast

Fr. Alex Kroll and Stephanie Stovall highlight Eucharistic encounters from across the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. Tune in every Monday for new episodes of Joy of the Eucharist! The first half will be interview style and the last will be a quick teaching on the faith!

Listen Now On Our Website
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