Social Outreach

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand, to be loved, as to love.

-St. Francis of Assisi

Knights of Columbus

About this Ministry

The Knights of Columbus is built around four basic principles: charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism. The Knights provide financial and physical support to numerous organizations, assisting those in need, providing an insurance program to members, and displaying a profound love of country. In addition, the Knights fully support the mission of our parish, clergy, ministries, and the needs of our surrounding community.

What We Do

To this extent, the Knights of Columbus Council #6477 offer support and give aid to home programs, donate to the Samaritan House of St. John’s, Project Gabriel, Center of Family Love, Peru Mission, and the Prison Ministry. Additionally, the Knights provide a monthly pancake breakfast, serve at the Lenten Fish Fry, support the youth group, and display our "colors" at the town Fourth of July parade. The Knights serve the parish in whatever capacity they deem appropriate by providing funding and manpower as needed. This is truly a faith-based organization.

Time and Training

Time dedicated to this ministry is based on the amount of effort desired. Normally a fellow Knight can pick 1 program he wishes to join and expand if desired. A fully active Knight may spend 3 - 5 hours a month at most.

What does it mean to be a Knight?

¨ a life of faith in action

¨ a life of boldness in brotherhood

¨ a life worth living.

Join 2 million Catholic men on a mission.



Contact George Majoue, Grand Knight

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Communion to the Homebound

About this Ministry:

Homebound ministers are regularly appointed Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion assigned to the Catholic Parish of St. John the Baptist. These ministers have volunteered to bring the Body of Christ to those unable to be physically present in the Mass. This is truly a spiritually rewarding experience for all involved. Holy Communion is scheduled by the ministry coordinator to be brought to those who are sick, in nursing homes, or homebound- usually weekly at a regularly scheduled time.

If you know of someone who is unable to get to Mass and would like to receive Communion, please contact one of the leaders below.

Time & Training Required:

One must first be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at St. John's and have completed Safe and Sacred Training. Please get in touch with Kay Sommer to learn more.


Contact Kay Sommer

(405) 474-6593

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Funeral Dinners

About this Ministry:
The Funeral Dinners ministry provides a meal at the church or in the home after a funeral service as a way to comfort and support grieving family members of our deceased parishioners.   

Time & Training Required:
When it is your team’s turn, plan to spend about 3 hours serving the meal. No training required.



Contact Barbara Buetner

Paula Clayton

(405) 535-7075

Contact Paula Clayton

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Giving Tree

About this ministry:

Our goal is to ensure less fortunate children and families are remembered during the Christmas Season. We request, collect, sort, distribute, and track hundreds of gifts that fulfill the needs of local families.

Time & Training Required:

Because this is a season-intense project, volunteers are needed in December for as little as 30 minutes following Mass or up to 1-2 hours when organizing the gifts. Ministry Chairpersons also attend a few organizational meetings August-October.


Contact Stephanie Coldiron

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St. Theresa's Quilt Guild

About this Ministry:

St. Theresa’s Guild works on various projects throughout the year, such as lap quilts for hospital stays. No experience necessary!! Join us for some fun, fellowship, and refreshments. If you are new to the Parish, we extend a special welcome. We meet the second Tuesday of the Month in the Council Room from 9:00 AM - 11:30 AM.


Email the St. Theresa's Quilt Guild

Linda Chrisco

(405) 315-1690


Melissa Rossi

(571) 215-3725

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Ida Freeman School

About this Ministry:

We help students succeed by providing instructional and clerical assistance to both staff and students. For students directly, we tutor in reading and math. We also assist the staff by performing clerical duties.

Time & Training Required:

Plan to spend about 1 hour per week during the school year. Safe environment training is required.


Rosario Rodriguez
(405) 348-6249


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Parish Nursing Ministry

About this Ministry:

The Parish Nursing Ministry reflects the compassionate healing love of Jesus Christ by promoting health and wholeness of body, mind, and soul for all of God’s people through education and advocacy by nurses and other health ministers. 


Time & Training Required:
Depending on the services provided, time commitment can be a one-time project, or monthly, weekly, or quarterly involvement depending on the volunteer's availability, skills, and the Parish Nursing need. An active RN license is needed for some, but not all, activities. Approximately 2 hours of orientation and training plus Safe Environment Training are required.


Contact the parish office

(405) 340-0691

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Peru Ministry

About this Ministry:

There are many ways you can serve our poor sisters and brothers of Piura:

Give of your Time:

  • Pray for our adopted families, missionaries, and those who are suffering and still in need of help 
  • Translate letters from Peru
  • Help at the Peru House or at the warehouse sorting and packing donated goods 
  • Organize a fundraiser or donations effort in local schools or civic clubs

Give of your Talents:

  • Join a Mission Team
  • Recruit a colleague to join or support a Mission Team
  • Volunteer to help with a Peru Mission event
  • Share the news with others about our Peru Mission with Santisimo Sacramento
  • Join the Peru Mission Board

Give of your Treasures:

  • Join the Family to Family Program
  • Donate gently used clothes, shoes, household goods

Learn more about Peru Ministry in this video from Fr. Joe Uhen.


Kathy Hatch
(405) 625-4911

Contact Kathy Hatch

Cheryl Pierce

(405) 924-6232

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Prison Ministry

About this Ministry:

Our mission is to present the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the men, women, and teens who find themselves in the Oklahoma County Jail, and lead them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. We provide materials for spiritual growth and an introduction to the Catholic Church. For those desiring to join The Catholic Church, we provide a course of study compatible with RCIA and follow with the Sacraments of Initiation. Visiting Priests make the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the Eucharist available to practicing Catholics who are inmates.

Time & Training Required:

Visits occur several times a week beginning at 8:45 am and lasting 4 to 6 hours. The men’s team visits male inmates on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, and on Thursdays the women's team visits female inmates. Training involves learning by example from an active jail minister. This is something anyone with a heart for serving Jesus can easily learn. There is no greater joy than leading a lost person to a relationship with Jesus Christ and seeing a life changed forever.

Contact Deacon Roy Forsythe

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Project Gabriel

About this Ministry:

We offer parish-based pregnancy intervention by assisting materially, emotionally, and spiritually; meeting mothers in distress where they are; and offering hope by showing love, care, and understanding throughout their pregnancies. This is a work of evangelization: bringing these moms and their families closer to God and inviting them into a faith community. The ministry proclaims to the community that this parish is pro-life and shows what that means on a day-to-day basis. We offer a mentoring relationship during the pregnancy and afterward by providing material, emotional, and spiritual support, including diapers, wipes, infant and toddler clothing, educational assistance, monetary assistance with bills and transportation needs as the women learn to be moms.

Time & Training Required: A minimum commitment of one year is expected of our volunteers. A volunteer may need to commit over a longer period of time based on a client's specific needs; as some clients may be mentored for years. We are open during office hours every Saturday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm. Attendance at monthly meetings and fulfillment of office hours is required of all volunteers. Participation in a training session is required for new volunteers.

Project Gabriel Pregnancy Assistance:
Office Hours: Saturdays, 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Samaritan House - 42 E. 9th Street Edmond


Diane Gbone
(405) 888-2372
Contact Project Gabriel

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Samaritan House

About this Ministry:
Our mission is to assist residents who reside in our church boundary area who find themselves in an emergency situation with financial assistance for rent or utilities as well as ensure they have food for their families. We provide payment directly to a utility company or landlord that allows the utility to be kept on or ensure against eviction. We also provide food so that families will not go hungry.

Time & Training Required:
The Samaritan House volunteers work Monday - Friday, 8 AM-Noon. Due to high demand, volunteers should be willing to make a one-year commitment to a specific weekday each week, and plan to spend the three hours we are open.


Jesus Medina, Coordinator
(405) 216-7554
Contact Jesus Medina

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Thanksgiving Dinners

About this Ministry:

This is an ecumenical dinner provided for the Edmond community on Thanksgiving Day by several Edmond churches. Parishioners are needed to cook, serve, and clean up. We provide a traditional sit-down meal for those who come to UCO or deliver meals to shut-ins.

Time & Training Required:

The committee meets from September to end of November with intense work the week of Thanksgiving.


Contact Eva Nagykaldi

(405) 340-0691

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